
 Sometimes God prompts us to do something we don't want to do. I mean, a lot of the time it's something I am not so keen on. There have been a few times this year though that the prompting was to take a vacation.  It's not me just making it up either. I understand the spirit enough in myself at this point in my life to know that its promptings from God. If I were to sum up myself and my life, I am a responsible and cautious person. As I just wrote that I sounded really boring to myself. It's how my brain works. I generally choose what is safe. It's how I have always thought. 

God can change the way we think. He can change the way we process things. Even though I've spent a lifetime choosing cautious and responsible he can lead me into my dreams. If we allow him to change us he will. If we want something different he can help us create something new. I want to experience all these things but don't often have the guts to do it. He is giving me the power over how I think to think in a new way. That is crazy exciting to me. He is changing how I do life. I like what he is helping me do. He is helping me chase my dreams. 

I want vacations. I want to see the world. I also have a lot of anxiety. It's hard for me to get out of my comfort zone and yet as I pray for help I have ideas come that help me move out of my comfort zone. I have the spirit there helping me feel peace when I'm stretching into something that doesn't feel safe. I can pray and have help making choices that I'm concerned about making. Somehow God is able to work with all my anxieties and uncertainties and help me fulfill dreams that I've been too scared to actually go for. He is helping me get what I want out of life. Left on my own terms I'd probably never travel or do anything that I actually want to do out of fear. He can break open my life and flood it with what I want most. If I let him. 

I feel like these experiences are God telling me to lighten up and enjoy life a little bit more. Maybe I need to learn how to enjoy what there is to enjoy instead of doing the responsible and cautious thing every time.  God knows what I really want deep down in my heart and he is nudging me to live my dreams. He loves me so much and doesn't want me to miss out on this life. So far with each trip I have taken that hasn't been in my plans, I feel rejuvenated, excited for more trips, and lots of lessons and beautiful experiences that I cherish. I'm so glad that God knows me way better than I know myself. I'm glad he pushes me for more. I'm glad he is helping me find a life to love. 
