
This virus has made life feel so strange. I see so many disappointments from it. It doesn’t seem like a single person goes untouched from this. Even my four-year-old daughter the other night prayed to be able to go back to church and that the parks can get opened up and that we can go to grandma’s and grandpa’s houses again. Everyone has been affected in big or small ways.

We lost our job because of it. The selling of our house has been slow and we had to put IVF on hold even though we were getting ready to prepare for the transfer of our last little embryo. All these things have been sad. It has hurt. I don’t like it. I think of all the people in the world losing loved ones to this sickness. Weddings getting stopped or going forward but not being able to invite anyone. Vacations aren’t happening, being with friends and family is stopped. Everyone in the medical field giving everything they have to help others. The list in hard things and disappointments is never-ending.  I feel sad for all of us. It’s really, really hard.

Yesterday I was listening to an audiobook and they were talking about Jews in a concentration camp. My mind started pondering and thinking. Now I don’t mean to compare us, any of us to what the Jews went through during world war 2. We can’t begin to think of the horrors they went through. What I started pondering about was what their lives looked like before the attack on them started. They were living normal, every day lives with hopes and dreams just like us. Then one-day things started to change. And then they lost their hopes and dreams, their every day normal lives to the pain and suffering of extermination.

Outside of the fear of what they were now facing there had to have been a lot of disappointments. Weddings that didn’t get to happen, dream jobs that never got to get started on, children being sad to not go to the park anymore, missing family gatherings, not being able to try for that baby a couple may have really been hoping for. They lost all the things they had been working towards. I wonder if they spent days wishing for when life would return to “normal” for them.

Our lives are comfortable. Our lives are easy compared to being in a concentration camp and facing persecution and death. I truly don’t compare our suffering to their suffering but it makes me think of their lives the day before everything shut down for them. It makes me feel for their lost dreams, their disappointments and I feel connected to them. Their normal life got taken away. They are now real people to me, real problems, real hopes, real dreams. All unfulfilled.

Life after this will never be the same. We are going to have a new awareness of the freedoms we experience. We will be more excited to greet one another when it is safe. We will be grateful for jobs that support us. Things will get better. We will be able to someday move forward again on hopes and dreams. We now know disappointments in a way we never were able to know them before. Collectively, all together. This experience unites us. We can have more compassion for each other and more for those who passed before us. It connects humanity as all of us pass through this experience together. 
